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Promotions, deaths, and other items from the religion world.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Saudi Arabia releases arrested Christians, Canadian college disallows criticism of homosexuality.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Religious freedom in Vietnam and China, Messianic Jews in Israel, and Millard Fuller.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Christians murdered in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and Oregon's supreme court overturns same-sex marriages.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Americorps allowed in Catholic schools, and North Korea leads Open Door's persecution list.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Ashcroft's Revenge
Challenge to suicide law gets new life.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Anti-homosexuality free speech, UK cloning, and a UN cloning ban.
Christianity Today News Briefs
The latest on evolution in school, persecution, and other stories.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Christianity Today News Briefs
PCUSA and same-sex marriage, persecution, and closing William Tyndale College
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
House-Church Leader Arrested
Zhang Rongliang has a high profile in China and internationally.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Iraqi churches under fire, appealing Oregon's assisted-suicide law, and Rwanda's theological school.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world
Christianity Today News Briefs
Booting the Salvation Army, falling giving, and suing for rights.